• About the Title 7
  • Introduction: Knowing 11
  • Scrutiny 1: Out of Egypt 15
  • Scrutiny 2: Turn You Northward 31
  • Scrutiny 3: Build on the Rock 49
  • Scrutiny 4: Why, Jesus? 67
  • Scrutiny 5: Heroes of the Exodus 87
  • Scrutiny 6: Villains of the Exodus 111
  • Scrutiny 7: Preparing for Canaan 139
  • Scrutiny 8: Into Canaan 171
  • And? 217
  • Xtra Bits: Endnotes 221
  • BIO 223

The purpose of this book is for us ‘to know’, what is ‘the truth’ and how that ‘truth’ can benefit us.

As we dissect the story of the Exodus it is my hope that you, as an individual, may discern the answers to the above questions but more than that, you may ‘know’ the One behind this great event along with what His plans are for you.
After his entrance in Act 3, Scene 1, where he asked the introductory question above, Hamlet went on to propound the perceptive declaration, “. . .puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have, than fly to others we know not of.” Perhaps the forerunner of the saying; “Ignorance is bliss.”
A less readily identifiable, yet no less wise, accumulator of wisdom through words, would later state, “He that knows not and knows that he knows not, is wise, but he that knows not and knows not that he knows not is, a fool.” For the wisdom, that there is more to know, is the propelling force that moves the world forward in every facet of life and invention. While the ready acceptance of what we are already confident of, with the comfortable settling in to the non-challenging norm, is the academic equivalent of the stagnation of water that has ceased moving.

Let us therefore choose, ‘What’s to know’ together.



Author, Writer, Speaker & Pastor
N.B.S. Non-invasive Brain Surgeon
E.L.T.O. Eternal Life Tour Operator
H.H.A Holistic Health Advisor
P.O.P. Positive Outlook Practitioner
Having grown up in Christchurch, New Zealand in the middle of the “Madding Crowd” and the darkness of ignorance, regarding anything to do with healthful living or Biblical principles it is surprising to view the life of the author today. Gordo (as he is known by most) is an ordained Pastor, a Public Evangelist, a Lifestyle Medicine Facilitator as well as serving in Prison Ministry. He also does a bit of landscape construction when time permits. However ‘time’ is not the most liberal of masters. Having learnt about nutrition and disease through self-preservation motivated research, he had a major dietary change at the age of 21. His next few years may have not been singularly unique, but it would be fairly safe to suggest he was one of the only deer-hunting, drug dealing, Senior Rugby Captaining, hand-gun carrying Vegans extant on the planet at the time.

Gordon has been the husband of one wife for over 30 years. Kerry and he had 4 children, one of whom passed away in 2014 at age 27. (We will see Jenny in the morning!) They see Will, Luke and Leroy when they go to Wellington, NZ or Sydney, Australia where ‘the boys’ currently live. They have another child (Shanah) whom they have raised from age 2 and several other ‘Spiritual Children’ they have nurtured.

Having been involved in their own Evangelism Ministry, which saw many souls accept Jesus Christ, the Seventh-day Adventist Church approached him in 2009, to take up a role as a Pastor. Since then he has held a Pastoral role in several churches, while collecting enough ‘Brownie Points’ to secure an Associate Degree in Theology in 2016. During that time he has also become, a founding Board member of the Lifestyle Medicine Institute of New Zealand, an Associate Member of the Institute of Public Evangelism for the South Pacific Division of the SDA Church, a national CHIP Facilitator Trainer and a bona fide ‘Computer Jockey’.

Kerry now works as a Bible worker for her local church and internationally for the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference in the area of health and emotional wellness. She and Pr. Gordon find their greatest joy, in seeing “the lights come on” for folk in the world.


“Pastor Gordon Gosset has masterfully utilized humor and word pictures to help implant deep and vital spiritual truths.  He keeps the Exodus story interesting and makes an irrefutable case that these lessons still apply to you, me, and anyone else who will listen and be enlightened. One of the top needs of humanity today, is to maintain the ability to healthfully manage their emotions and have a proper, non-distorted perspective when bad things happen to them.  Gordon shows us how to do this and much more in this bold fresh look at the Exodus movement.”
—Neil Nedley, M.D.
Weimar Institute and Founder of the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program,
Author of Depression: The Way Out and Optimize
Your Brain.
“You won’t read many books that will take you to the heart of the matter as does; What’s to Know?  In his refreshing, down-to-earth style, Pastor and Evangelist Gordon Gosset takes you on a journey from Egypt to Canaan—a journey that leads to a clearer focus on a real God and a relevant gospel. A real Kiwi bloke who knows how to get to the heart of a matter, Gordon’s genuine love for God and concern for his fellow person are the heart and soul of this fascinatingly insightful book. Once you’ve read—and re-read—What’s to Know? you’ll want to share it with your friends.”
—John Bradshaw

Speaker/Director It Is Written International

Author of many books including Confidence in Chaos and Babylon Rising.
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